About Me (Jay):

Hello, thank you for visiting our website. My name is Jay and I am one of the directors of Korean Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic. My journey to this position began with pain. My full time office job was greatly rewarding but led me to experience a host of health issues - eye problems, wrist pain, back pain, you name it. Receiving the right help from a multitude of practitioners gave me hope and inspired me to provide the same help to other people. Our clinic is the result of that inspiration and drive. I truly believe you will find the help you need with us.

Jay Kim
Director | Financial Manager
Team Member - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Google - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“One of a kind service”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultrices scelerisque mi sed interdum lacus tellus in mi orc, netus nisl laoreet phasellus. Pellentesque non nunc placerat mi quis vitae cursus ornare.

Sophie Moore
VP of Design at Google
Team Member - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
YouTube - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“The best service”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultrices scelerisque mi sed interdum lacus tellus in mi orc, netus nisl laoreet phasellus. Pellentesque non nunc placerat mi quis vitae cursus ornare.

Matt Cannon
Developer at YouTube
Team Member - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Pinterest - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“An amazing service”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultrices scelerisque mi sed interdum lacus tellus in mi orc, netus nisl laoreet phasellus. Pellentesque non nunc placerat mi quis vitae cursus ornare.

John Carter
Designer at Pinterest

Education and Certification (Jay)

▪ Doctor of TCM, Tzu-Chi International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Vancouver: 2022 - Current
▪ Visiting Internship, Kyung Hee University Hospital; South Korea: APR 2024
▪ Certificate in Traditional Japanese Acupuncture from World Acupuncture; Australia: AUG 2023
▪ Tung Acupuncture Intensive: Full Course from Chinese Medicine Education; Australia: AUG 2023
▪ Stretching and Flexibility Certification (Expert Level): ExpertRating: AUG 2023
▪ IMEAST - Intra-muscular Electro Acupuncture Stimulation Treatment Module II, IV, V; Vancouver: FEB 2024
▪ IASTM Certificate - ProHealthSys; Online: APR, 2024

About Me (Nicole):

Welcome to the Korean Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic. My name is Nicole and I am one of the directors of Korean Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic. I hope our clinic serves as a sanctuary for our patients, where you can find comfort and healing. My goal is for you to leave our clinic feeling rejuvenated and ready to embrace each day with renewed energy. I will always greet you with a smile, dedicated to providing exceptional care for your well-being.

Nicole Kim
Director | Administrator
Team Member - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Google - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“One of a kind service”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultrices scelerisque mi sed interdum lacus tellus in mi orc, netus nisl laoreet phasellus. Pellentesque non nunc placerat mi quis vitae cursus ornare.

Sophie Moore
VP of Design at Google
Team Member - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
YouTube - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“The best service”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultrices scelerisque mi sed interdum lacus tellus in mi orc, netus nisl laoreet phasellus. Pellentesque non nunc placerat mi quis vitae cursus ornare.

Matt Cannon
Developer at YouTube
Team Member - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Pinterest - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“An amazing service”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultrices scelerisque mi sed interdum lacus tellus in mi orc, netus nisl laoreet phasellus. Pellentesque non nunc placerat mi quis vitae cursus ornare.

John Carter
Designer at Pinterest