
Acupuncture Prices

Ph.D. Hosung Jang

Regular Acupuncture
Ph.D. Hosung JAng

This is a traditional acupuncture technique that involves inserting needles into specific acupoints on the body. It aims to promote the circulation of Qi and blood and restore balance within the internal organs, thereby facilitating healing.

* initial | subsequent
55 | 45 mins
** all times are "upto"
$130 | $110
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Advanced Acupuncture
Ph.D. Hosung JAng

A modern approach to acupuncture that targets specific muscle or ligament issues. This technique uses needles in combination with electrical stimulation devices to directly treat affected muscles, offering therapeutic effects approximately 4-5 times faster than traditional acupuncture methods.

* initial | subsequent
60 | 55 mins
** all times are "upto"
$150 | $130
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Advanced Acupuncture
Ph.D. Hosung JAng

A modern approach to acupuncture that targets specific muscle or ligament issues. This technique uses needles in combination with electrical stimulation devices to directly treat affected muscles, offering therapeutic effects approximately 4-5 times faster than traditional acupuncture methods.

* initial | subsequent
60 | 55 mins
** all times are "upto"
$150 | $130
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Facial General Acupuncture
Ph.D. Hosung JAng

Using standard acupuncture needles, this technique stimulates the facial muscles to control relaxation and contraction. It improves sagging skin, providing a lifting effect.

* initial | subsequent
60 | 55 mins
** all times are "upto"
$170 | $150
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Cupping w/ Bodyworker Massage
Ph.D. Hosung JAng

A collaborative treatment where an acupuncturist uses cupping to release fascial tension, followed by targeted massage by a bodyworker to alleviate and treat pain in the affected areas.

* initial | subsequent
60 | 55 mins
**all times are "upto"
$150 | $130
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Auricular Acupuncture w/ Herb Medicine
Ph.D. Hosung JAng

A combination treatment that integrates auricular acupuncture with herbal medicine. This approach is suitable for patients who may have a fear of needles, allowing them to receive Traditional Korean Medicine (TKM) comfortably. Tiny seeds are placed on the ear with stickers to provide continuous stimulation, and a week's worth of herbal medicine is prescribed for comprehensive treatment.

* initial | subsequent
60 | 55 mins
** all times are "upto"
$150 | $130
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Herbal Medicine
Ph.D. Hosung JAng

Herbal medicine in traditional Korean medicine uses natural ingredients, including herbs, animal, and mineral-based components, to treat both the causes and symptoms of illnesses. Remedies are tailored to an individual's constitution, focusing on overall health and restoring balance. Unlike Western medicine, which targets symptoms, herbal medicine addresses root causes to prevent future illnesses and support long-term well-being.

* day / week prescription
day | week
** [costs are GST included]
$17 / $110
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ICBC Acu. Treatment
Ph.D. Hosung JAng

For patients with an ICBC (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia) rehabilitation claim number related to a traffic accident, specialized treatments are available.

* initial | subsequent
55 | 45 min
** all times are "upto"
Covered by ICBC
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Provides an opportunity to discuss the current state of the body and receive expert opinions on suitable treatments.

* all consultation is "upto"
30 min
** all times are "upto"
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