Hello there, my name is Hosung. I became a doctor of acupuncture with the desire to help many people, and now I am fulfilling that goal. I assist in areas where Western medicine cannot provide help, such as pain, infertility, psychiatric disorders, skin issues, digestive problems, and more. I am Hosung Jang, a Ph.D. in acupuncture who constantly thinks and studies. During my initial practice, I aimed to develop a treatment method focused on the patient's convenience rather than the practitioner's. Many practitioners prioritise their own convenience during treatment, often neglecting the patient's comfort and pain. This led me to create IMEAST (Intra Muscular Electro Acupuncture Stimulation Treatment) and establish an association to teach this method to other practitioners. I hope my efforts can be helpful to everyone.
Where do you see yourself in five years? I envision challenging myself further by pursuing another field in health professions and running a second branch of our clinic downtown with the entire team from Korean Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic.